Symptom 3: Unexplained Bruising and Bleeding

Everybody bruises. Maybe you bumped into a table, or perhaps you bruised while carrying heavy bags. However, with ALL, bruises appear out of the blue – no bumps, no knocks. These unexplained bruises are primarily due to a reduction in platelets, tiny cells responsible for blood clotting.
The science behind this is straightforward. Lower platelet counts mean the blood doesn’t clot as effectively. Consequently, even minor traumas (which would usually go unnoticed) can lead to visible bruising. And these aren’t always the usual blue-black marks. They can be reddish, dotted spots known as petechiae.
Petechiae, though tiny, shouldn’t be overlooked. They appear when tiny blood vessels under the skin break. These spots might cluster, often looking like a rash. They don’t fade when pressed, distinguishing them from regular rashes.
Spotting these signs on your body warrants attention. While other factors can cause bruising and bleeding, it’s essential to rule out ALL, especially when these symptoms pair with others on this list. (3)