Symptom 5: Noticeable Swollen Lymph Nodes

Lymph nodes are small, bean-shaped structures scattered across the body, acting as checkpoints for our immune system. They filter harmful substances and play a pivotal role in immune responses. In ALL, these nodes can swell, especially those in the neck, armpits, or groin.
Now, swelling in the lymph nodes isn’t exclusive to ALL. Common infections like a sore throat can lead to noticeable swellings in the neck. However, with ALL, the swelling is persistent, and nodes might feel firmer or larger than usual. Moreover, they might not be tender to the touch, distinguishing them from infection-induced swellings.
The lymphatic system is vast, and nodes are present in various body parts. Therefore, ALL can cause swelling in nodes that aren’t easily palpable, like those in the chest or abdomen. Such swellings might manifest as breathlessness or a feeling of fullness.
The logic behind these swellings is the rapid accumulation of leukemia cells in the nodes. While they begin their malignant journey in the bone marrow, they can travel and take residence in these nodes, causing noticeable enlargements.
Encountering persistent lymph node swellings, especially in the absence of infections or other apparent reasons, should be a call to action. It’s crucial to get them assessed by a medical professional to ensure they aren’t indicative of something more severe, like ALL. (5)