Symptom 3: Numbness and Decreased Sensation

One of the more unsettling symptoms of CMT is the decline in sensory perception, predominantly in the feet. This isn’t a uniform numbness. It often starts as a tingling sensation, much like pins and needles, before progressing to more pronounced numbness.
As the peripheral nerves deteriorate, they lose their ability to transmit sensory signals effectively. So, sensations like touch, pain, or temperature changes become muted. For instance, someone with advanced CMT might not feel the discomfort of a pebble in their shoe or the heat of a scalding bath.
This lack of sensation can have perilous consequences. Minor injuries, cuts, or blisters might go unnoticed. In the absence of timely intervention, these can evolve into more severe complications. The psychological aspect of this numbness cannot be overlooked either. The constant uncertainty, the need to visually check for injuries, and the muted connection with one’s environment can be emotionally taxing. (3)