10 Alarming Symptoms of Erythroplakia You Shouldn’t Ignore

Symptom 3: Soft, Velvety Texture

Soft, Velvety Texture

On the surface, erythroplakia patches might appear menacing due to their vivid color. Yet, their texture tells another part of their story. Many individuals describe these patches as having a soft, velvety texture, quite unlike the usual rough or grainy feel of common inflammations.

This softness, though, is deceptive. While it might suggest something benign, the velvety texture of erythroplakia is a symptom that shouldn’t be downplayed. When one encounters such a texture within their mouth, especially if it’s accompanied by a bright red hue, it’s a sign that demands attention.

Furthermore, this unusual texture offers another avenue for early detection. While the redness might be missed during a casual glance, running the tongue over the affected area can help identify the anomaly. It feels distinctly different from the surrounding healthy tissue, and this difference can be the first alarm bell. (3)

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