6. Bloating and Gas: The Unwelcome Guests That Overstay

You’ve probably experienced the sensation of being bloated after a hearty meal. But consistent bloating paired with gas isn’t something to brush aside. The digestive system, especially the gallbladder, plays a pivotal role in breaking down fatty acids. When cancerous cells invade, these normal processes hit a snag, resulting in bloating and gas.
Fascinatingly, the gallbladder usually acts like a storage vault for bile, releasing it when needed. When cancer affects its function, the bile is released haphazardly or not at all. This leaves undigested food sitting around, fermenting in your gut, and voilà! Gas and bloating make their grand appearance.
The trapped air within the gastrointestinal tract may also lead to stomach gurgling and embarrassing flatulence. While this could be comic fodder in a different context, here it is a serious symptom that robs people of comfort and dignity. You become hyper-aware of your body, and normal activities like sitting in a meeting or going on a date can become sources of anxiety.
The science behind bloating and gas is not just about digestive inefficiency. It’s a chain of physiological events. The stomach and intestines expand, but it’s more than just aesthetics; this physical distension can lead to discomfort or even pain, further complicating daily life. (6)