10 Alarming Symptoms of Gastric Volvulus Every Adult Should Be Aware Of

Symptom 10: Dark, Tar-Like Stools

Dark, Tar-Like Stools

Stool, the body’s waste product, can be an indicator of internal health. A deviation from one’s regular hue to a dark, tar-like appearance is more than just disconcerting; it’s an alarming sign. In the setting of gastric volvulus, it signifies potential internal bleeding and warrants immediate attention.

The dark, tar-like appearance, medically termed melena, is attributed to the presence of digested blood. When gastric volvulus causes any tears or bleeding within the digestive tract, the blood travels, gets digested by enzymes, and emerges as darkened stool. Essentially, this shade of stool is a visible testament to internal damage.

A twisted stomach isn’t just an anatomical anomaly; it strains the stomach lining and associated blood vessels. This strain can lead to micro-tears, resulting in bleeding. Moreover, the stagnant acid, due to volvulus, can erode the stomach lining further, exacerbating the bleeding.

Dark, tar-like stools are not just an aesthetic concern. They are potential harbingers of internal bleeding, especially in the backdrop of gastric volvulus. Recognizing this symptom, understanding its gravity, and seeking medical evaluation is not just recommended—it’s imperative. (10)

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