10 Alarming Symptoms of Gastric Volvulus Every Adult Should Be Aware Of

Symptom 7: Chest Pain

Chest Pain

Experiencing chest pain can be alarming. While the mind often races to cardiac concerns, many conditions can cause chest discomfort. Gastric volvulus is one such condition. While chest pain associated with it might not directly involve the heart, it is undeniably distressing and cannot be overlooked. A sensation ranging from a dull ache to sharp twinges, this pain can be a clear signal that the stomach is in distress.

So, how exactly does a twisted stomach lead to chest pain? The answer lies in proximity and physiology. The stomach and chest are neighbors, separated by the diaphragm. In gastric volvulus, the stomach’s abnormal position can exert pressure on this muscle and surrounding areas, leading to referred pain that feels like it’s originating from the chest. This sensation can be exacerbated when the stomach acid backflows into the esophagus, intensifying the discomfort.

In patients with gastric volvulus, chest pain can exhibit variability. Some describe it as a burning sensation, eerily similar to severe heartburn. For others, it might manifest as a persistent dull ache or even sharp, intermittent jabs. The posture, notably after meals or when reclining, can accentuate this pain, providing a clue to its gastric origin. (7)

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