Symptom 5: Difficulty Swallowing

Swallowing, a task often taken for granted, can become a monumental challenge with gingivostomatitis. Painful sores and inflammation inside the mouth make every gulp a painstaking endeavor. This difficulty isn’t just limited to swallowing food; even liquids or saliva can be hard to get down.
The discomfort can result in individuals avoiding meals, leading to nutritional deficiencies if this persists. Furthermore, the act of swallowing helps in keeping the throat moist, so any hindrance can lead to a dry and sore throat.
One might wonder why something as simple as swallowing becomes so challenging. The reason lies in the location and nature of the mouth sores, coupled with the body’s natural reflex to avoid pain. Every time an individual tries to swallow, the food or liquid comes in contact with the ulcers, causing pain.(5)