Symptom 4: Sore Throat

The pain associated with HFMD doesn’t just limit itself to external blisters. Inside, the throat feels the brunt too. Every swallow feels like a mountain to climb, and something as trivial as gulping down saliva becomes a herculean task.
Don’t be surprised if your chatty little one suddenly goes quiet. The sore throat might affect their voice, making it hoarse. Speaking might amplify their discomfort, leading to increased irritability.
Nighttimes can be particularly challenging. The dryness often exacerbates the pain, leading to interrupted sleep. This, combined with other symptoms, can leave both the child and parents feeling drained and exhausted.
While the sore throat is a result of the viral infection and will take its time to heal, certain remedies can offer relief. Warm salt gargles, hydrating popsicles, or even honey (for children above one year) can provide temporary solace. (4)