Symptom 7: Fatigue
When HFMD strikes, the fatigue experienced isn’t your regular run-of-the-mill tiredness after a long day. It’s an overwhelming sense of weariness, a blanket of exhaustion that envelops the body and mind. The body, in its bid to fight the virus, expends a significant amount of energy. This intensive immune response, combined with the general discomfort of other symptoms, makes even mundane tasks feel Herculean.
Fatigue is the body’s alarm bell, signaling the need for rest and recuperation. It’s a clear indication that the body is redirecting its energy resources to heal. Just as a machine needs to power down for maintenance, the body, too, requires downtime. Recognizing this and allowing oneself or the affected individual the necessary rest can make a significant difference in the recovery trajectory.
While rest is paramount, fueling the body with the right nutrients is equally crucial. When battling HFMD, the appetite might dwindle, but the body’s nutritional needs heighten. Opting for easy-to-digest, nutrient-rich foods can bolster the immune response and mitigate the fatigue. Broths, smoothies, and light porridges can be both comforting and nourishing.
It isn’t just the physical body that grapples with fatigue. The mental and emotional toll can be profound. Especially in children, the inability to partake in their usual playful activities can lead to feelings of frustration and sadness. Assuring them, engaging in calm, sedentary activities, and ensuring a positive environment can be therapeutic. (7)