10 Alarming Symptoms of Lung Cancer in Women You Shouldn’t Ignore

Symptom 2: Shortness of Breath

Shortness of Breath

One of the more unsettling feelings is an unanticipated shortness of breath. Imagine performing routine tasks, like picking up the mail or climbing a set of stairs, and suddenly feeling winded. This isn’t just about feeling out of shape; it’s about recognizing when normal activities start demanding more effort than they used to, all because of breathlessness.

Shortness of breath, in the context of lung cancer, often arises due to physical blockages in the respiratory system. Tumors might block or narrow airways, or cancer-related fluids might accumulate in the chest. During the disease’s early stages, breathlessness might only be evident during intense physical activity. But as the disease progresses, this symptom could present itself more frequently, even during minimal exertion.

Understanding shortness of breath requires self-awareness. Is the breathlessness a rare occurrence or is it happening more frequently? Can it be linked to specific triggers or activities? Drawing a parallel between current respiratory capabilities and past performance can offer insights. If one finds themselves avoiding activities because of breathlessness, it’s time to take note.(2)

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