Symptom 5: Moles that Bleed or Ooze

The spontaneous bleeding or oozing from a mole often sets off alarms for many individuals. Under normal circumstances, a mole remains passive, subtly sitting on the skin’s surface without causing discomfort or showing noticeable changes. However, when a mole starts to bleed or ooze, it becomes hard to ignore, indicating that the mole’s internal structure or surrounding skin could be undergoing abnormal changes. Whether it’s an external factor causing the disruption or an internal transformation, it’s a situation that requires immediate attention.
Consider the mole’s location. Is it on a part of your body that experiences frequent friction from clothing, such as the waistline or underarm? Or perhaps it’s on an area you shave often? External influences like these can sometimes lead to accidental nicks or consistent abrasions, causing the mole to bleed or secrete a fluid. However, if the mole isn’t in such a location or if the bleeding and oozing occur without apparent cause, it’s time to delve deeper.
Our skin is a marvel in itself. Acting as the body’s primary defensive barrier, it ensures harmful pathogens stay out. When a mole begins to bleed or ooze, it signifies a breach in this defense system. Open skin can become a gateway for infections, and if a mole fails to heal or repeatedly gets injured, it could be hinting at an internal issue. The skin’s inability to repair itself around the mole might suggest abnormal cellular activity.
If you observe your mole exhibiting these symptoms, a proactive approach is beneficial. Start by gently cleaning the area with mild antiseptic to ward off potential infections. While it’s essential to keep the area clean, resist the urge to self-diagnose or self-treat using various ointments without professional advice. Covering it with a sterile bandage can offer protection against external irritants and reduce the temptation to scratch or pick at it. (5)