Symptom 7: Moles with Uneven Elevation

A majority of moles lie flat or have a slight elevation, blending seamlessly with the contours of our skin. Yet, when a mole starts to exhibit uneven elevation, where some parts are raised more than others, it’s akin to a hill with irregular terrain. Such inconsistency in a mole’s topography isn’t just a cosmetic concern but could hint at deeper, underlying changes.
When the mole’s elevation isn’t uniform, it signifies that the growth isn’t happening symmetrically. The mole’s cells, called melanocytes, might be proliferating at different rates in different areas. Such irregular growth patterns could be indicative of cellular changes or mutations, which is a reason for close monitoring.
Sometimes, the unevenness in a mole’s elevation can be due to external factors. A mole might undergo trauma or an injury, leading to parts of it swelling or becoming inflamed. However, if there’s no evident external reason and the mole continues to evolve in its unevenness, the cause is more likely internal, warranting medical attention.
Given the subtle nature of this symptom, it’s vital to regularly check and possibly photograph your moles. By comparing a mole’s progression over weeks or months, you can ascertain whether the irregular elevation is a new development or something that’s been consistent. Such documentation proves invaluable when seeking a professional opinion. (7)