Symptom 5: A Firm Bump on the Gum

If you’ve ever run your tongue across your gum line and encountered an unexpected firm bump, it’s a sensation that can cause instant concern. This bump, especially if it’s painful and located near a particular tooth, is a classical manifestation of Parulis.
Unlike regular gum tissue, which is relatively soft and malleable, this bump feels hard. It’s essentially a pus-filled abscess, resulting from the body’s attempt to wall off the infection at the tooth’s root. The pus accumulates, leading to a noticeable and palpable bump on the gum.
While some might dismiss it as a transient irritation, especially if it’s not overtly painful, doing so can be a mistake. This bump is the body’s way of indicating an underlying issue. It’s a physical barrier, keeping the infection from spreading, but also signaling the presence of this infection.
Often, this bump might be accompanied by other symptoms, like the previously mentioned pus discharge or swelling. It can also lead to an increased sensitivity in the adjacent tooth or teeth, making regular activities like chewing a source of discomfort. (5)