Symptom 7: Difficulty in Chewing

Eating, an activity most people seldom think twice about, can become a source of dread for those grappling with Parulis. The act of chewing, which is typically effortless and even enjoyable, transforms into a painstaking ordeal. One of the significant hindrances is the acute pain that emanates from the affected area, especially if it’s located near a molar or premolar. Every bite, every attempt to masticate food, becomes a calculated effort to avoid amplifying the pain.
It’s not just about the direct discomfort stemming from the inflamed gum. The swelling can alter the usual layout of the oral cavity, making it all too easy to inadvertently bite down on the swollen gum. This unintentional self-infliction can cause a sharp, jarring pain. Over time, this fear of biting down can lead to an unconscious preference for softer foods or even an avoidance of eating solid foods altogether.
But the challenges don’t end there. The swelling and the potential pus discharge from the gum boil can present another hurdle. Food particles, especially tiny fragments, have a knack for getting trapped near the inflamed area. These lodged particles not only exacerbate the discomfort but can also aggravate the infection, further complicating the situation and prolonging recovery. (7)