10 Alarming Symptoms of Short Bowel Syndrome (SBS): Are You At Risk?

Symptom 2: Weight Loss

Weight Loss

Weight loss, when intentional and done healthily, can be a cause for celebration. But unintended weight loss due to SBS is a different story altogether. With the body struggling to absorb vital nutrients, even the most calorie-rich diet might not fend off the unwanted shedding of pounds.

This isn’t merely about aesthetics. Weight loss in this context indicates a deeper problem: malnourishment. The body is essentially signaling that it’s not getting what it needs to function optimally. The repercussions can be far-reaching, from weakened immunity to reduced muscle mass and even cognitive impacts.

Another challenge is the social perspective. Friends or family might mistakenly laud the weight loss or make offhand comments without understanding the health implications underlying that change. This can lead to feelings of isolation or being misunderstood for the person with SBS. (2)

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