10 Alarming Symptoms of Short Bowel Syndrome (SBS): Are You At Risk?

Symptom 4: Swelling and Bloating

Swelling and Bloating

Bloating might be something many brush off after a heavy meal, but in the world of SBS, it’s a persistent, often painful reality. It’s not just about feeling ‘full’; it’s a distension, an uncomfortable stretching sensation in the abdominal area. It feels as if the stomach is perpetually inflated, leading to discomfort and even pain.

Visibly, this bloating can be apparent, with the abdominal area protruding more than usual. For some, it might even mean having to wear looser clothing or constantly adjusting their posture to find a position of minimal discomfort. But beyond the visual, there’s a tangible feeling of heaviness, as if carrying an extra weight around the midsection.

But why does this bloating occur in SBS? The primary culprit is the accumulation of gases and fluids in the intestines. The compromised gut function leads to inefficient digestion, with certain foods fermenting and producing excess gas. This gas, coupled with the impaired fluid absorption, results in the bloating and swelling many with SBS experience. (4)

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