10 Alarming Symptoms of Short Bowel Syndrome (SBS): Are You At Risk?

Symptom 6: Abdominal Pain

Abdominal Pain

Abdominal pain in Short Bowel Syndrome isn’t just an occasional twinge or discomfort; it’s a profound, lingering pain that can range from dull aches to sharp, stabbing sensations. The pain’s intensity and duration can vary, but what remains consistent is its impact on an individual’s daily life, sometimes hindering even the simplest tasks.

For many, the pain isn’t just generalized; it can be localized to specific regions of the abdomen. Some might feel it more on the right, others on the left, and for some, it’s a crampy, all-encompassing grip. The character of the pain, whether it’s burning, throbbing, or cramping, can provide clues about its underlying causes.

So, what brings on this pain? For SBS sufferers, the root lies in the altered gut function. The intestine’s malabsorption can lead to undigested food particles, causing irritation. Furthermore, bacterial overgrowth, a common complication in SBS, can contribute to inflammation and consequent pain. The bowel’s altered motility, either too fast or too slow, can also manifest as abdominal discomfort. (6)

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