10 Alarming Symptoms of Short Bowel Syndrome (SBS): Are You At Risk?

Symptom 8: Dehydration


Dehydration in SBS is not about skipping a glass of water now and then. It’s a pronounced, often dangerous reduction in the body’s water content. Symptoms range from dry mouth and dark urine to more severe manifestations like rapid heartbeat or even fainting.

Early signs of dehydration in SBS might include a parched mouth, reduced urine output, or deep yellow urine. As dehydration intensifies, it might manifest as sunken eyes, dry skin, dizziness, and a rapid heart rate. The consequences, if unchecked, can be life-threatening.

The crux of dehydration in SBS is malabsorption. The compromised intestine fails to absorb water efficiently. Coupled with frequent diarrhea, a common symptom in SBS, the body loses more fluids than it can retain, leading to dehydration.

Dehydration in SBS isn’t just about feeling a bit parched. It’s a tangible, often dangerous loss of vital body fluids. Recognizing the early signs and adopting proactive measures is crucial to prevent complications and ensure overall well-being. (8)

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