Symptom 3: Difficulty Swallowing

From time to time, many of us might’ve felt a temporary obstruction or discomfort while swallowing, usually due to eating too quickly or not chewing food properly. However, a consistent feeling of food being stuck or difficulty swallowing, known medically as dysphagia, can point towards more severe conditions, including stomach or esophageal cancer.
As stomach cancer progresses, tumors might form in the region where the esophagus and stomach meet. These growths can narrow the passage, making it challenging for food to pass through. This obstruction can lead to a sensation of food being “held back,” causing discomfort or pain during meals.
Aside from the physical presence of tumors, inflammation and other changes in the stomach or esophagus can impact swallowing. It’s important to monitor the nature of this symptom. If liquid foods go down easily while solids don’t, it could indicate a narrowing of the passage. Over time, even liquids might become difficult to swallow if the condition isn’t addressed.
Early on, people might adapt by changing their eating habits, such as taking smaller bites or chewing more thoroughly. However, if the underlying cause is stomach cancer, the difficulty will likely progress, making these adaptations less effective.
Like all symptoms, difficulty swallowing on its own doesn’t diagnose cancer. It could result from other conditions, such as acid reflux or esophageal spasms. However, when combined with other symptoms, it necessitates a thorough medical evaluation to pinpoint the exact cause and commence suitable treatment. (3)