Symptom 5: Nausea and Vomiting

Almost everyone has, at some point, grappled with that uneasy sensation in their stomach, leading to a race to the bathroom. Nausea and vomiting are not uncommon. They’re our body’s response to myriad triggers: from that dodgy takeaway meal, a roller coaster ride, to a nasty bout of flu. Yet, when these episodes become frequent, recurrent, and aren’t linked to the usual suspects, it raises flags. And one of those red flags could point towards stomach cancer.
Stomach cancer’s underlying mechanisms can significantly affect the gastrointestinal tract’s harmony. As tumors develop, they can block or narrow parts of the stomach, making it challenging for food to pass through. Think of it as a roadblock on a bustling highway, causing traffic to pile up. This obstruction can lead to the stomach’s contents building up, resulting in discomfort and the eventual regurgitation of food.
But it’s not just the physical obstructions that lead to nausea and vomiting. The body, in its bid to fight the malignancy, might release certain chemicals or provoke an inflammatory response. Such changes can disturb the stomach’s pH balance, leading to acidity and resultant nausea. Furthermore, some tumors might directly irritate the stomach lining, leading to inflammation and a heightened risk of ulcers, which in turn can cause nausea and vomiting.
Persistent vomiting is not just distressing but can have ramifications on overall health. Regular episodes can lead to dehydration, a situation where the body doesn’t have enough fluids to function optimally. Chronic dehydration can affect kidney function, lead to electrolyte imbalances, and even cause heart arrhythmias. Moreover, frequent vomiting can lead to erosion of the tooth enamel due to stomach acid’s presence, leading to dental issues.
Given the broad range of potential causes for nausea and vomiting, from migraines to gastrointestinal infections, it’s easy to dismiss them as non-threatening. But it’s crucial to view them contextually. If these symptoms are accompanied by other tell-tale signs like unexpected weight loss, difficulty swallowing, or persistent stomach pain, it becomes crucial to approach a medical professional. An early diagnosis can be the difference between a treatable condition and a protracted battle with advanced cancer. (5)