Symptom 7: Bloated Feeling

Who hasn’t overindulged at a holiday feast and then dealt with that uncomfortable, tight sensation in the stomach? Occasional bloating after a hearty meal is par for the course. However, when that bloated feeling becomes a constant companion, even without the indulgence, it’s time to dig deeper. Persistent bloating can be one of the subtle red flags raised by stomach cancer.
At a fundamental level, bloating arises from the accumulation of gas, fluids, or solids in the digestive tract, leading the stomach to feel stretched and puffed up. With stomach cancer, tumors can obstruct the passage of food, leading to a buildup of undigested matter. This buildup can ferment and produce gas, leading to that bloated sensation.
Stomach cancer can also disrupt the stomach’s normal motility, the coordinated contractions that help move food along. A slow-moving or sluggish stomach can lead to stagnation, and yes, that familiar bloated feeling. Moreover, tumors can trigger inflammation, causing the stomach lining to swell and further intensify the sensation.
Persistently feeling bloated can have secondary consequences. It can impact appetite, deter individuals from eating, or lead to early satiety. Reduced food intake can then set off a cascade of other symptoms like fatigue, weight loss, and nutrient deficiencies.(7)