Symptom 3: Nausea and Vomiting

Children can be prone to occasional bouts of nausea, especially after a roller-coaster ride or maybe indulging in one too many candies. But when nausea becomes a frequent visitor, and it’s accompanied by vomiting, especially if the vomit has traces of blood, it’s a cause for genuine concern.
Gastric ulcers can irritate the stomach lining, leading to this unsettling sensation of nausea. The body, sensing something amiss, might try to expel the source of discomfort, resulting in vomiting. While the immediate reaction might provide temporary relief, the underlying cause remains unresolved.
In severe ulcer cases, there can be bleeding. If this blood mixes with the stomach acids and then is expelled through vomiting, it might appear as a dark, coffee-ground-like substance. It’s a sight no parent or caregiver wants to witness.(3)