10 Alarming Symptoms of Superior Mesenteric Artery (SMA) Syndrome You Shouldn’t Ignore

Symptom 7: Malnutrition


We all understand the basics: eat well, get the nutrients you need, and stay healthy. But for those grappling with SMA Syndrome, achieving this simple goal becomes an uphill battle. Malnutrition is not just a potential symptom; it’s often an inevitable outcome if the syndrome goes unchecked. With reduced food intake, vomiting, and other related symptoms, getting adequate nutrition becomes a monumental task.

It’s like trying to fill a bucket with a large hole at the bottom. No matter how nutritious the food consumed, if it’s not being adequately absorbed and utilized, the body starts to show signs of deficiency. This can manifest in myriad ways: brittle nails, lackluster hair, sallow skin, and a general sense of fatigue.

Beyond the physical signs, malnutrition can have profound effects on cognitive function. Difficulty concentrating, memory lapses, irritability—the brain, starved of essential nutrients, starts to falter. And the ripple effects don’t stop there. The immune system takes a hit, making individuals more susceptible to infections. (7)

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