10 Alarming Symptoms of Superior Mesenteric Artery (SMA) Syndrome You Shouldn’t Ignore

Symptom 9: Altered Bowel Movements

Altered Bowel Movements

The human digestive system, in all its complexity, is like a well-tuned orchestra. But for those with SMA Syndrome, the music is often off-key. Altered bowel movements, ranging from constipation to diarrhea, are a common complaint. The duodenal obstruction disrupts the smooth flow of digestive contents, leading to irregularities in bowel habits.

Think of a busy highway. Now imagine a roadblock in its midst, causing traffic jams and detours. This is what happens in the digestive tract of those with SMA Syndrome. The “traffic” of digested food and waste gets disrupted, leading to a host of problems. This can manifest as bouts of constipation, where the “traffic” slows down, or diarrhea, where it’s in overdrive.

The implications are both physical and emotional. The discomfort of constipation or the unpredictability of diarrhea can be deeply unsettling. The need to be constantly near a restroom, the fear of accidents—it all adds up, affecting one’s quality of life.(9)

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