10 Alarming Symptoms of Toxic Megacolon You Shouldn’t Ignore

Symptom 3: Fever and Chills

Fever and Chills

The body is a remarkable machine, often working in overdrive to maintain a state of equilibrium. One way it communicates distress is through fever. A fever isn’t just a spike in body temperature; it’s a signal that all’s not well internally.

But with toxic megacolon, this fever isn’t solitary. It’s often accompanied by a chilling sensation, even in a warm environment. Picture this: You’re wrapped up in layers, but you’re still shivering, teeth chattering, even as your forehead burns up. This combination of fever and chills is more than just uncomfortable; it’s the body’s SOS.

These symptoms suggest the body is under attack, often from an infection or inflammation. The fever indicates the body’s attempt to create an environment where pathogens find it challenging to thrive. Meanwhile, the chills? They’re a byproduct of the body trying to generate heat.

You might be thinking, “A fever is common, right? Why the fuss?” While fevers are indeed common reactions to various illnesses, it’s the combination of fever with other symptoms of toxic megacolon that amplifies the concern. Also, prolonged high fever can be damaging in itself. (3)

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