10 Alarming Symptoms of Toxic Megacolon You Shouldn’t Ignore

Symptom 4: Dehydration


When it comes to maintaining our bodily functions, water plays an indispensable role. From regulating body temperature to aiding digestion, its significance can’t be emphasized enough. Now, imagine your body rapidly losing this vital fluid. That’s what happens in cases of toxic megacolon.

The initial signs might be subtle. You may notice parched lips and an unquenchable thirst that even gallons of water can’t satiate. The skin, too, loses its elasticity. A simple test? Pinch the skin on the back of your hand. If it doesn’t snap back immediately, dehydration might be setting in.

Why does this condition cause such intense dehydration? The colon, in its healthy state, absorbs water and electrolytes from the food residues passing through it. But an inflamed and malfunctioning colon, as seen in toxic megacolon, fails at this job. The result? An acute loss of fluids and electrolytes. (4)

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