10 Alarming Symptoms of Toxic Megacolon You Shouldn’t Ignore

Symptom 5: Rapid Heart Rate

Rapid Heart Rate

Heart rates can fluctuate for a myriad of reasons. Perhaps you’ve jogged, felt anxious, or even had an extra shot of caffeine. But when the heart rate accelerates without an apparent external cause, there’s reason to pause and reflect. In the context of toxic megacolon, a heightened pulse isn’t just an incidental symptom; it’s an alarming sign of the body in distress.

You may wonder, what links a colon issue to the heart’s rhythm? It’s a chain reaction. The body, in response to the inflammation and potential dehydration stemming from toxic megacolon, compensates in various ways. The heart, being the vital organ distributing blood and oxygen, starts working overtime. It tries to ensure every cell gets its required nutrients and oxygen, despite the internal chaos.

Identifying a rapid heart rate isn’t always about placing two fingers on your wrist and counting. There are other, less direct indicators. Perhaps it’s a sensation of the heart pounding against the ribcage, or a throbbing pulse that’s suddenly more pronounced in the neck or temples. These indicators, subtle as they may be, are the body’s way of sounding an alarm.(5)

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