Diet 2: The DASH Diet

Designed primarily to combat hypertension, the DASH diet (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) has gained immense popularity among health enthusiasts. A cornerstone of this diet is its recommendation to cut back significantly on sodium, which can be a major factor in raising blood pressure.
While sodium regulation is essential for hypertension, it’s equally crucial for liver health, especially for PBC patients. The liver plays a significant role in fluid balance, and excess sodium can disrupt this, causing fluid retention, a common issue in liver diseases. By sticking to the DASH diet, PBC patients can avoid exacerbating these symptoms.
Another admirable feature of the DASH diet is its emphasis on whole grains, lean meats, and a vast array of fruits and vegetables. Such a diversified and balanced intake ensures the body receives ample nutrients, without putting undue strain on the liver.
Furthermore, the DASH diet also promotes the consumption of nuts, seeds, and legumes. These are not only protein-rich but also contain essential fatty acids and other nutrients beneficial for liver health. By incorporating these, the liver’s health can be further optimized. The DASH diet, while designed for cardiovascular health, offers multifaceted benefits, making it a top contender for those seeking liver-friendly diets, especially for managing PBC symptoms. (2)