Diet 3: Low-Sodium Diet

At first glance, a low-sodium diet might seem like a minor tweak, but its implications are far-reaching, especially for PBC patients. Sodium, found abundantly in table salt and processed foods, has been linked to water retention and increased blood pressure. This can place added strain on an already stressed liver in individuals with PBC.
By consciously reducing sodium intake, one can help the liver in its essential detoxification role. Reduced sodium means decreased fluid retention, ensuring the liver doesn’t have to work overtime to process and balance internal fluids. This can be particularly beneficial in the advanced stages of PBC, where fluid balance becomes a significant concern.
However, adopting a low-sodium diet doesn’t mean bidding farewell to flavor. Fresh herbs, spices, and natural flavorings can be excellent replacements. Ingredients like garlic, lemon juice, and fresh pepper can elevate dishes, all while keeping sodium levels in check. (3)