10 Best Foods for Cholecystitis: Nourish Your Gallbladder and Elevate Your Health

4. Apples: An Apple A Day Keeps the Gallstones Away

Apples An Apple A Day Keeps the Gallstones Away

Okay, the saying might not go exactly like that, but in the context of cholecystitis, apples genuinely shine. Pectin, a type of fiber found in apples, assists in binding excess cholesterol in the digestive tract. This action can prevent the formation of cholesterol-based gallstones.

Fresh, juiced, or stewed, apples offer their benefits in various forms. Starting your day with a glass of fresh apple juice can stimulate the digestive system, prepping it for the day ahead. Apples are also known to have malic acid, which can soften gallstones, making them easier to pass.

Ever tried apple cider vinegar? Just a tablespoon in warm water every morning might amplify these benefits. However, always ensure you’re using organic, unfiltered apple cider vinegar with the “mother” for the best results. (4)

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