10 Brain Aneurysm Symptoms: Essential Signs of Cerebral Aneurysm You Need to Know

Symptom 5: Seizures – A Result of Brain Irritation

Seizures - A Result of Brain Irritation

Seizures are a symptom often associated with conditions like epilepsy. Still, it might surprise you to learn that they can also occur in people experiencing a cerebral aneurysm. A seizure is a sudden, uncontrolled electrical disturbance in the brain, resulting in changes in behavior, movements, feelings, or consciousness levels.

Now, you might be picturing a full-blown convulsive seizure, but it’s crucial to remember that seizures can also be subtle. They might manifest as a brief period of staring into space, involuntary jerking of a limb, or even a sudden fall.

What causes aneurysm-related seizures? The main culprit is the blood spilled from a ruptured aneurysm. This blood irritates the brain tissue and can lead to inflammation, which in turn, can trigger seizures.

As with the other symptoms, the key is the sudden onset. You may have never had a seizure in your life, and suddenly, you experience one. It’s this abrupt, unexplained development that can indicate the presence of a cerebral aneurysm.

Remember, while seizures are a relatively less common symptom of cerebral aneurysms, their presence can significantly affect an individual’s quality of life and therefore warrant immediate attention. (5)

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