10 Causes of Stomach Cancer (Gastric Cancer) You Should Know

Cause 10: Epstein-Barr Virus – Beyond Mononucleosis

Epstein-Barr Virus - Beyond Mononucleosis

Epstein-Barr Virus, colloquially known as the agent behind mononucleosis or the “kissing disease”, has more secrets than it often gets credit for. Beyond the fatigue, swollen glands, and the sore throat that mono is famous for, this virus has another face, one that’s associated with several cancers, including a subset of stomach cancers.

Viruses, by their nature, are opportunists. They infiltrate host cells and hijack their machinery to reproduce. But EBV has a more prolonged game plan. Once it enters the body, it can lay low, staying dormant for years, sometimes even a lifetime. But certain triggers can awaken this sleeping giant. When reactivated, EBV can lead to increased cell proliferation. In the vast universe of cell multiplication, it takes just a few missteps for things to go awry. Anomalies in this cell multiplication process, influenced by the virus, can set the stage for malignancy.

It’s crucial to add a dash of perspective to this narrative. Not everyone who’s been infected with EBV will develop stomach cancer. In fact, a vast majority won’t. The percentage remains small, but it’s significant enough not to be brushed under the carpet. Awareness of this link ensures that those in the know can be more vigilant, seeking timely interventions when needed.

Given that a large percentage of the world’s population carries the EBV, how does one stay ahead? Regular screenings are the answer. Today’s diagnostic tools are incredibly advanced, capable of spotting minute aberrations. Being proactive with these screenings, especially for those with a history of EBV or mononucleosis, can ensure that any potential issues are nipped in the bud.(10)

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