10 Causes of Stomach Cancer (Gastric Cancer) You Should Know

Cause 4: Previous Stomach Conditions

Previous Stomach Conditions

Every medical history is a tale that holds clues about one’s future health prospects. In the context of stomach cancer, previous stomach ailments aren’t mere chapters of the past; they’re potential predictors of future risks. Conditions like chronic gastritis, gastric ulcers, or long-standing anemia are more than discomforts; they’re alarm bells.

Having battled these conditions means the stomach has already been under duress. This constant state of inflammation or ailment weakens its defense mechanism. The lining, consistently under attack, becomes a fertile ground for malignancies to take root. It’s like a fortress with its guards compromised, making it easier for invaders to breach.

Regular screenings aren’t just recommended for individuals with such a history; they’re imperative. These screenings can catch any irregularities early on, making interventions more effective. It’s not about living in constant fear but about adopting a vigilant stance. (4)

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