10 Common Symptoms of Cushing’s Disease You Shouldn’t Ignore

Symptom 3: Severe Fatigue

Severe Fatigue

In today’s fast-paced world, feeling tired or drained is often considered typical. However, there’s a marked difference between the fatigue experienced after a long day and the debilitating exhaustion linked with Cushing’s disease. This fatigue doesn’t get better with rest. It’s persistent, oppressive, and can drastically affect daily functioning.

Imagine feeling like you’ve run a marathon, even after a full night’s rest. The simplest tasks, like climbing stairs or walking short distances, might seem insurmountable. This isn’t ordinary tiredness; it’s a cellular-level fatigue, stemming from the body’s hormonal disruptions. The excess cortisol plays havoc with the body’s natural rhythms, leading to this profound tiredness.(3)

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