10 Common Symptoms of Marginal Zone B-Cell Lymphoma (MZL)

Symptom 2: Fatigue


Fatigue is something everyone experiences at various times, but there’s a vast difference between being tired from a long day and the fatigue associated with medical conditions like MZL. The latter isn’t just about feeling tired; it’s a profound exhaustion that doesn’t improve with rest.

This kind of fatigue affects daily activities. Simple tasks might seem Herculean, and even after a full night’s sleep, you could wake up feeling drained. The cause behind such fatigue in MZL is multifaceted. It can result from the body fighting the lymphoma cells, or due to reduced red blood cells causing anemia.

Moreover, it’s easy to attribute this tiredness to stress, overworking, or lifestyle. That’s why it’s essential to look at fatigue in conjunction with other symptoms. Is the exhaustion paired with unexplained weight loss or night sweats? (2)

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