10 Common Symptoms of Marginal Zone B-Cell Lymphoma (MZL)

Symptom 8: Respiratory Issues and Cough

Respiratory Issues and Cough

Each breath we take is a testament to life’s rhythm, often taken for granted. But when breathing becomes laborious or is accompanied by a persistent cough, it’s time to pay heed.

A cough here and there is routine. But a persistent cough, one that doesn’t relent with usual remedies or lingers for weeks, raises flags. Especially if it’s dry, unproductive, and seems unrelated to other common ailments like colds.

In cases where MZL affects the chest or mediastinal region, it can press against the lungs or airways. This pressure manifests as breathing difficulties or a chronic cough. The lymphoma’s presence in this region can subtly interfere with respiratory functions, leading to these symptoms.

As MZL progresses, apart from a cough, individuals might experience wheezing or shortness of breath. Simple tasks like walking or even talking can become strenuous. These are not just symptoms; they’re warnings, signaling the lymphoma’s potential impact on the lungs. (8)

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