Symptom 3: Muscle Stiffness and Weakness

Muscle stiffness and weakness are prevalent symptoms of Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease. These symptoms often begin gradually and progressively worsen as the disease advances, affecting the patient’s mobility and ability to perform daily activities.
Muscle stiffness, or rigidity, can make it challenging for CJD patients to move their limbs and joints freely. This stiffness can lead to discomfort and pain, further limiting their range of motion. In some cases, patients may also experience muscle spasms or involuntary muscle contractions, which can be distressing and painful.
Muscle weakness in CJD patients can manifest as a reduced ability to generate force or maintain muscle strength. This weakness can impact various muscle groups, making it difficult for patients to walk, climb stairs, or perform other activities that require physical exertion. In advanced stages of the disease, muscle weakness can become so severe that patients may become bedridden or require assistance with even the most basic tasks. (3)