10 Critical Symptoms of Membranoproliferative Glomerulonephritis (MPGN) Everyone Should Be Aware Of

Symptom 5: Fatigue


Fatigue is an elusive symptom but can heavily weigh down those with MPGN. We’re not just talking about feeling a little tired after a long day. This is a deep-seated weariness, one that persists regardless of how much sleep or rest one gets. Let’s break down why this happens.

At the heart of this fatigue is the compromised ability of the kidneys to filter toxins and waste products from our bloodstream effectively. When these waste products accumulate, it’s akin to a car trying to run with a clogged fuel filter; the system becomes sluggish and inefficient.

Additionally, anemia is a frequent side-effect of MPGN. The reduced red blood cell count, often resulting from compromised kidney function, can deprive the body of the oxygen it needs. Every cell yearns for oxygen, and when they’re not getting enough, the result is an overarching sense of fatigue.

Besides, the mental toll of MPGN shouldn’t be overlooked. Chronic illnesses bring along a baggage of stress, anxiety, and sometimes even depression. These emotional burdens can manifest physically, contributing further to the feeling of constant tiredness.

But here’s the silver lining: recognizing the root of the fatigue can pave the way for interventions. From dietary changes to medications that address anemia, there are pathways to reclaim some of that lost energy. Ultimately, fatigue is the body’s SOS, a signal that something’s amiss and warrants attention. (5)

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