10 Crucial Symptoms of Intussusception in Children Every Parent Should Recognize

Symptom 5: Lethargy


Lethargy or unusual sleepiness in a child can be a subtle but concerning symptom of intussusception. It’s not about the normal tiredness after a day of play or activities. Instead, it’s a noticeable and sometimes abrupt change in their energy levels and responsiveness.

When a part of the intestine telescopes into another, it affects blood circulation. This reduced blood flow can lead to decreased oxygen levels, which in turn can cause lethargy. The child might appear drowsy, less responsive, or even uninterested in activities they usually enjoy.

Another factor to consider is the pain and distress caused by the condition. Constant abdominal pain, for instance, can exhaust the child both physically and mentally. This could lead to periods where they seem distant or just want to rest.

What’s essential to differentiate here is normal tiredness from lethargy. A lethargic child might be hard to wake up, show decreased interest in their surroundings, and respond minimally or not at all to stimuli. It’s as if they’re in a daze, lacking the usual spark or enthusiasm.

Observing other behavioral changes can provide more insight. For instance, they might refuse to eat, show less interest in toys, or even avoid interacting with family members. All these signs, especially when combined with other symptoms of intussusception, should raise alarm bells.

As parents or caregivers, trusting your instincts is vital. You know your child best. If you feel that their lethargy is out of the ordinary, especially if it’s accompanied by other symptoms, seeking medical attention promptly is of utmost importance. Lethargy, in the context of intussusception, can indicate progression, making timely intervention crucial. (5)

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