10 Distinct Symptoms of Excessive Daytime Sleepiness (EDS) You Need to Know

Symptom 10: A Persistent Low Energy Feeling

A Persistent Low Energy Feeling

Everyone feels tired or drained occasionally, especially after a long day or a strenuous activity. However, for those with EDS, this sensation of fatigue isn’t occasional—it’s persistent. It’s not about feeling “sleepy”; it’s a bone-deep weariness that doesn’t relent even after what should’ve been a refreshing night’s sleep.

This unyielding feeling of low energy isn’t confined to specific times of the day. From morning to evening, there’s a constant shadow of fatigue, making every task seem like an uphill battle. The world appears a tad bit slower, sounds a bit more muffled, and tasks feel a tad more challenging.

The low energy feeling isn’t merely physical; it permeates the mental realm too. Cognitive functions seem hampered. There’s a sluggishness in thought processes, a hesitancy in decision-making, and a general sense of being overwhelmed even by mundane tasks.

It’s like carrying around an invisible weight that drags one down. Activities that once brought joy, like hobbies or socializing, now feel like added burdens. This relentless fatigue can also dampen enthusiasm, curbing the zest for life.(10)

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