10 Distinct Symptoms of Excessive Daytime Sleepiness (EDS) You Need to Know

Symptom 5: Memory Lapses

Memory Lapses

“Where did I put my glasses?” “What was I supposed to buy from the store?” Memory lapses, especially about trivial matters, are typical for many. However, when such forgetfulness becomes frequent, it can be a tell-tale sign of EDS. It’s not merely about misplacing items or forgetting chores. It’s an unsettling feeling of missing chunks of conversations or events.

Such intermittent memory blackouts disrupt daily functioning. Recollecting names, dates, or even critical tasks becomes a challenge. It feels as though one is floating in a stream of consciousness, where memories slip like water through fingers.

The emotional toll of such memory lapses is substantial. Feelings of inadequacy, embarrassment, and even self-doubt can creep in. The frustration of knowing something but not being able to retrieve it from the depths of memory can be maddening.(5)

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