10 Distinct Symptoms of Excessive Daytime Sleepiness (EDS) You Need to Know

Symptom 6: Emotional Instability

Emotional Instability

Mood swings, unexplained irritability, or bursts of emotions might seem like the markings of a bad day. But for those battling EDS, such emotional instability can be a daily ordeal. It’s not just about being ‘touchy’ or ‘sensitive’. It’s about experiencing emotions on a heightened scale, often without any apparent trigger.

Picture this: a calm conversation turns into an emotional outburst, or a slight inconvenience spirals into overwhelming despair. Such disproportionate reactions can leave both the individual and their loved ones perplexed.

It’s essential to understand that this isn’t deliberate over-reacting. The constant fatigue and the body’s desperate need for rest can amplify emotions, making them harder to regulate. Interactions become like navigating a minefield, where the slightest misstep can trigger an explosion.(6)

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