Symptom 2: Nausea and Vomiting

Nausea, an unsettling sensation in the stomach, often precedes vomiting. Children with gastritis frequently report feeling queasy, especially after meals. This isn’t the standard nausea kids might experience after a merry-go-round ride. It’s more consistent and closely tied to their dietary habits.
The act of vomiting can sometimes bring temporary relief to the child. However, it’s essential to monitor the vomit’s content. Any sign of blood or a consistency resembling coffee grounds is a clear red flag. These could indicate bleeding in the stomach, necessitating immediate medical attention.
Such symptoms can be distressing for both the child and the parents. It’s not just the physical discomfort but also the emotional and psychological toll it takes. Children might develop a fear of eating, anticipating the subsequent nausea and possible vomiting. They could become apprehensive about going out or attending school, worried about a sudden bout of vomiting.
To navigate this, parents should maintain a record of such episodes. Note down the frequency, any specific triggers, and the child’s overall behavior post vomiting. Such a record can be invaluable during a doctor’s consultation. Concluding on this symptom, consistent bouts of nausea and vomiting need to be addressed with care, patience, and professional medical guidance. (2)