Symptom 10: Chronic Pneumonia or Respiratory Infections

Chronic pneumonia or frequent respiratory infections are more than just common ailments for someone with mesothelioma. The presence of mesothelioma tumors in the lung lining can compromise the respiratory system, making it more susceptible to infections. The continuous irritation caused by asbestos fibers in the lungs sets the stage for chronic inflammatory responses, which often manifest as recurrent pneumonia or other respiratory infections.
While respiratory infections are common in the general population, in the context of mesothelioma, they can be indicative of a larger underlying issue. Frequent bouts of pneumonia or bronchitis, especially in someone with a known history of asbestos exposure, should be a red flag. Often, these recurring infections can overshadow the underlying cause – mesothelioma. Proper imaging and biopsies are essential to differentiate between mere infections and a potential malignant growth. (10)