Symptom 3: Chest Pain

Chest pain can manifest in various forms. For some, it’s a dull, consistent ache, almost like a heavy weight is pressing down on them. For others, it may be sharp and sporadic, causing them to flinch or clutch their chest in reflex. The complex nature of this symptom can often lead to misdiagnoses. Individuals may sometimes dismiss it as muscle strain, a heartburn, or even stress-related. But what distinguishes this pain associated with lung mesothelioma is its persistent nature and its potential to intensify over time.
One primary culprit behind this chest discomfort is the tumor growth linked to mesothelioma. As these tumors expand, they can exert pressure against the chest wall, ribs, or even certain critical organs, leading to acute or sustained pain. Furthermore, the inflammation and irritation caused by these growing tumors exacerbate the sensation. The experience can be analogous to a foreign entity pressing and prying from inside, leading to increased discomfort.
Certain actions or postures can aggravate this pain. Simple motions, like bending over to pick up an object, or twisting to reach something, can trigger a spike in discomfort. Moreover, laying down in certain positions may become challenging, disrupting sleep and rest cycles. The consequence? A vicious cycle where pain leads to fatigue, which in turn amplifies the perception of pain. (3)