2. Bloating and Gas: Uncomfortable but Telling Signs
Bloating and gas are common symptoms of diverticular disease that can cause discomfort and embarrassment. These symptoms occur due to the buildup of gas in the colon, which may be exacerbated by the presence of diverticula.
The trapped gas can lead to bloating, making your abdomen feel full and distended. This sensation may worsen after meals, particularly if you’ve consumed gas-producing foods such as beans, cabbage, or carbonated beverages. Gas may also be accompanied by flatulence and belching.
Another possible cause of bloating and gas in diverticular disease is changes in the bacterial population in the digestive tract. The diverticula can trap food particles and bacteria, creating an environment where certain types of bacteria can thrive. These bacteria can produce gas as they digest the trapped food particles, leading to increased gas and bloating.
While bloating and gas can be symptoms of other digestive issues, their persistence in conjunction with other diverticular disease symptoms should not be overlooked. Discussing these symptoms with your healthcare provider can help rule out other conditions and guide appropriate treatment. (2)