10 Diverticular Disease Symptoms You Shouldn’t Ignore

6. Fever and Chills: Telltale Signs of Infection

Fever and Chills Telltale Signs of Infection

A fever, often accompanied by chills, is another symptom that may indicate diverticular disease, particularly when diverticulitis is present. The fever is a result of your body’s immune response to the infection in the inflamed diverticula. But there may be other reasons.

In some cases, fever and chills in diverticular disease may be caused by complications of treatment. For example, if a person is taking antibiotics to treat an infection, they may experience a fever or other side effects. Additionally, surgery to treat diverticular disease can also lead to fever and chills as the body recovers from the procedure.

In summary, fever and chills in diverticular disease are most commonly caused by infection or inflammation of the diverticula. However, more serious complications such as abscess, perforation, and sepsis can also cause these symptoms.

If you experience a fever alongside other symptoms of diverticular disease, it is crucial to seek medical attention promptly. Your healthcare provider may prescribe antibiotics or other treatments to help manage the infection and alleviate your symptoms. (6)

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