10 Early Signs of Cushing’s Syndrome: Symptoms You Should Never Ignore

Symptom 10: Irregular Menstrual Cycles for Women and Decreased Libido for Men

Irregular Menstrual Cycles for Women and Decreased Libido for Men

For many women, the monthly menstrual cycle is like clockwork. But throw Cushing’s syndrome into the mix, and this predictable cycle can go haywire. Periods might become sporadic, unusually heavy, or might even stop altogether. While many factors can influence menstrual regularity, the hormonal upheaval of Cushing’s syndrome is a significant disruptor.

Men, though devoid of menstrual cycles, aren’t spared the hormonal chaos of Cushing’s syndrome. One of the most poignant manifestations is a drop in libido. Sexual desire, a complex interplay of emotional and physiological factors, can be significantly dulled by the excess cortisol circulating in the system.

The reproductive system, be it in men or women, thrives on a delicate hormonal balance. Cortisol, when in overdrive, can disrupt this equilibrium. In women, it might interfere with the release of eggs from the ovaries, leading to irregular menstrual cycles. In men, it could affect testosterone levels, dampening sexual desire. (10)

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