10 Early Signs of Cushing’s Syndrome: Symptoms You Should Never Ignore

Symptom 4: Rounded Face

Rounded Face

One of the hallmark signs of Cushing’s syndrome is a shift in facial structure, often termed “moon face”. Patients exhibit a noticeably rounder, fuller face, even if the rest of the body doesn’t put on a commensurate amount of weight. This isn’t just a minor cosmetic alteration. It’s a physical indication of the underlying hormonal disruption wreaking havoc in the body.

It’s peculiar how a disease could alter one’s countenance so distinctly. Cortisol’s propensity to favor fat deposition in certain regions of the body manifests as the deposition of fatty tissues around the face. Particularly, the cheeks become fuller, leading to the characteristic round appearance, even while other parts, like the limbs, might remain slender.

The rounded face isn’t just about aesthetics or identity. It’s a glaring symptom of the body’s impaired capability to regulate fluid and fat distribution. The increased fat storage, combined with fluid retention due to high cortisol levels, causes this puffy, rounded facial appearance. (4)

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